USR 255: Your Family Goals: Make More Money, Have More Fun, and Create better Relationships.


What does your DREAM life look like? Is there a nice car or a big house? Maybe your dream is to head to the beach every summer, or take 5 vacations a year! It really does sound like a dream, doesn’t it?!


Sometimes these dreams are so far out of reach that we have a hard time seeing them. It can also get harder if we don’t feel the support from the people we love. We change as we grow as entrepreneurs, which can be scary for our spouse and loved ones at times. The best way to grow as a family, is to set family GOALS.


In this episode we are talking about how setting goals as a family opens the door to amazing opportunities for you, your loved ones and your business.


  • When we set these goals we are changing the business from a solo project to something that can be done together. Show your family the exciting opportunities that can happen when you work together
  • You will become more united as a couple and family. When you surround yourself with people who believe in you and support you, great things will happen!
  • Clearly defining what your goals are as a family will give you a better perspective on how to get there! When everyone is on the same page, it will make the journey enjoyable and easier.


Sometimes we need to put ourselves in others' shoes and see it from their perspective. Show them what is in it for them! Show them all the amazing things that can happen when you work together. When you clearly define the goals you want to accomplish, everyone will be on the same page and know what to work for. It’s all about unity and you are more powerful together than you are apart!


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