USR 257:Joel Holland on Business Changes that Serve You

“Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint”’s something your hear on this show all of the time. Success doesn’t just happen overnight.


Take it from Joel Holland, CEO and founder of Video Blocks. He experienced some challenges to getting to the top but made the changes he needed to stay there! He shares his story and wisdom -- and why having a business should be rewarding, not pulling the life out of you.


Joel made these tweaks to his business and saw a change not only in his business growth, but also his life:


  • Watch out for burn out! Don’t work yourself to death, prioritize the tasks you need to get done. Somethings don’t have to get done right away, just remember there is always tomorrow!
  • Get out of the office. Sometimes you just need to GET OUT! Make time for yourself, take a vacation or spend the day with your family. If you hire the right staff, they will be fine on their own.
  • Have faith in the people you hire! If you hire the right people, they will exceed all expectations. You also need to make sure you hire at the right time. Don’t wait until you are overwhelmed, anticipate the growth and hire before.


When you become an entrepreneur it can be hard to take a break. There is this culture that when you always have to working and doing something. MAKE THE CHANGE! You need to make time for yourself, take time out of your day to spend on you! When you enjoy what you do, work doesn’t seem like work!


Connect with Joel:

@joelkentholland or @VideoBlocks


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