USR 277: Learn To Be At Peace With The Bigger Plan

Today’s episode is going to be different. No script. No notes. Just me... and you, talking heart to heart about a message that we need to hear to remind ourselves of the bigger plan.


As we build and grow our businesses and we work so hard to create the life we want for our family, we see there are a lot of ups and downs. More chaos and craziness when it comes to entrepreneurship than anything else. There are so many things that are out of our control.


We go to school, we take the test and get the grade.In the professional world, we get up, we go to work, we put in the hours, we do more work and usually come out doing pretty well. In entrepreneurship, we don’t always get to just do ‘the work’. Sometimes it just isn’t enough. It’s about doing the right work at the right time.


We need to let go of the reigns. Have faith and surrender yourself to the bigger plan. Know that, whatever happens it not an end to one thing but the beginning of something better.


One of the easiest ways to stay at peace with the bigger plan is to make sure you’re following a business growth SYSTEM, versus a mix of disjointed pieces that don’t work together.


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