USR 278: Dustin Matthews on How to Monetize Public Speaking for Business

USR 278: Dustin Mathews on How to Monetize Public Speaking for Business

Subtitle: Entrepreneur mentor Kelly Roach inspires and educates on how to grow your business and achieve your dreams


How many of you ACTUALLY enjoyed public speaking in school? It’s that one thing we all know we have to do but not many really enjoy it. However, any type of public speaking is key when you are selling and spreading the word about your business.



Meet Dustin Mathews, master speaker, trainer and author. He is a speaking entrepreneur who helps others sell their products and services with webinars, online media, speeches and seminars. He is breaking down the key elements to any presentation and the structure. For example, the intro, the background story, the body and the two most important; your action step and conclusion.


These two parts within the structure is what is going to get people to buy your product or service. Think about this….


Typically, we start from beginning to end when designing a presentation. Dustin challenges you to start from end to beginning. What action do you want your audience to take? Do you want to buy something, or opt into your list or schedule an appointment? Whatever it is, you make the whole presentation lead into the that action steps.


Don’t just do it once, do it throughout. Tell your audience about the success stories or what could happen if you were to take this action. Don’t hesitate to share, but add value and make it feel natural.


Get in the mindset of thinking everything as a presentation. Everything is chance to sell and build up the excitement to your product. Don’t ever hold back, because at the end of the day YOU are going to sell your business!


Dustin’s book is available to help you do all of this and more! to grab the book and get tips and resources to help you on your next presentation!


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