USR 327: Accountability Is Everything

Accountability is everything, and as leaders, managers, CEOs, and entrepreneurs, it is also the number one struggle. This tends becomes magnified when we are in our first leadership role.


Add another layer: when you want your business to perform optimally throughout the years, you need to focus on team building. Bringing your team together through systems and accountability is the perfect combination to really allow your business to stand the test of time.


We are pulling back the curtain on personal accountability, how we can keep our people accountable, and why it’s so important.

(2:41) “Let’s start with why it matters [accountability]. It matters because there is no point in having a team, having an employee, having people willing to support you if you are not going to generate profitable, reliable, predictable results. The only way to consistently produce specific results and be satisfied with the impact that it makes, is to be consistent in the way that you manage people. That includes holding them accountable.”


(4:18) “The vast majority of people want to succeed and they want to put their best foot forward. They want to achieve the expectations their leader, manager, or business owner puts forth for them. In many instances they truly have not been set up for success to do so. What I like to say, as a leader, our job is to to put the bumpers on the bowling lane so they the can throw the ball down the lane and strike.”


(7:14) “One of things you definitely want to commit to in 2018 as you focus forward is putting more time into holding more people accountable: it’s number one. Then if goals aren't met, really exploring the ‘why’ and then supporting people in helping to learn and grow and improve so that they can get to their deliverables or to their goals.”

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