USR 339: The IMPACT Report Is Back

How do you stay present and grateful in your life? One of my family’s favorite ways is by working together to give back… which is why we release The Impact Report updates on this show. I hope this inspires you to do the same!


At the start of 2018, I set the intention to do more and be more with my family, my friends, community and business. I encourage you to do this, too.


(1:42) “The hope and goal of these episodes is to inspire you to realize that every moment counts. Every dollar makes a difference and that you can change the world no matter how big or small the actions you take each and everyday are.”


(6:20) “When you are on this mission in business and you are working so hard, you are working so tirelessly to impact your community, to make a difference, to serve the people you want to help, sometimes you don’t get that immediate gratification. A LOT of times you don’t get that immediate gratification. Sometimes it can be hard to keep going….. My message to you is keep going! Keep serving!”


(9:01) “So if you are wondering what is the connection between the impact report and me calling on you to come on this journey with me of service and you growing your business….that’s it. The deeper you get into gratitude, the deeper you get into focusing on service, the more you are in tune with your mission on the planet vs. so much micromanaging the instant results and the instant return on investment from what you are doing. You will have that fire burn bigger and brighter!”

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