USR 341: Resourcefulness Always Wins

Tony Robbins always says it’s never a lack of resources, but a lack of  resourcefulNESS when it comes to success, especially in business.


Being resourceful when it comes your business is going to be a mental and mindset shift that you will have to achieve in order to reach the next level. We have more free resources in today's business world than ever before.


You likely have more assets than you are regularly thinking about each day. After today’s episode, start to look at your list of investments and expenses so you can begin a plan to 10x ALL of them. Learn more in the episode!


(4:03) “We all have these unbelievable ressources at our fingertips and yet people are still always struggling to find a way to grow. It really poses the question, have we evolved and then devolved to the point of really losing that capacity to really be resourceful. Really think about what that means.”


(6:15) “I really want to challenge you to go through every asset, every expense and resource that you have. Really spend some time asking yourself, what do I need to change about how I am utilizing this thing, this resource that I have, to 10X the return on investment on it?”


(9:47) “We can all be more resourceful with our phones from video to using the app on Instagram and private messaging people. To LinkedIn messaging campaigns to Facebook, creating groups and bringing value there. By the way all these things I just mentioned are free. There are endless ways for all of us to be far more resourceful in the things, both free and paid in our business.”


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