USR 362: Improve Your Health Grow Your Wealth And Getting Outside Council

“Energy rules the earth.” -Oprah Winfrey


Most of us entrepreneurs out there are type A personalities: overachieving, independent and a force to be reckoned with. We also don’t ever ask for help or we think that if we ask for help it is a sign of weakness. News flash: this isn’t true!


I am doing this episode today to remind you that without putting energy in your body, you won’t be able to achieve anything in life. Sometimes we need guidance or help from others to fuel our tanks back up to 100%. Remember, when you improve your health, you WILL grow your wealth!


(2:38) “Our immediate inclination is to do it ourselves and to keep doing more and more, pushing harder and harder to get the result. Meanwhile, our energy is getting further and further diluted.”


(6:10) “It’s about the importance of getting outside counsel and how that will change the trajectory of the results in whatever area you want to improve in.”


(9:39) “FInally, take this one big rock that had been a problem and turn it into a solution in my life.”


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