Woohoo--you asked and we have delivered! We have opened a Facebook community just for you. It’s called The Tribe of Unstoppables. We are bringing you all together to ask questions, get referrals, generate leads and so much more.
The group is already off the ground and filled with hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners already. I want to make sure everyone gets the chance to check it out and join this booming community! Head over to www.kellyroachcoaching.com/community , answer the questions and join the family!
(1:20) “If you have been feeling a little isolated in your business, you feel like you don’t know where to turn or who to communicate with as things come up. You want a place where you can run ideas by other smart entrepreneurs...then it’s time to join Tribe of Unstoppables”
(3:00) “This is an amazing way to get publicity for your business and be able to be seen and be heard by other people who are also serious about their business”
(3:52) “The Tribe of Unstoppables is unique because it’s made up of people that have the kindness, courage, compassion and are really invested in building community”
For more business tips and strategies, follow along with Kelly:
Join the Tribe of Unstoppables on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2080754075505322/
Website: https://kellyroachcoaching.com
UE Revolution: https://www.instagram.com/uerevolution/
UE Marketing Mastery: https://www.instagram.com/uemarketingmastery/
Kelly Roach: https://www.instagram.com/kellyroachofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kellyroachlive