USR 417: Reframe Rejection So You Can GROW

The fear of rejection is the thing that kills more businesses and dreams than most other fatal flaws. We get so scared to put ourselves out there, that 99% of the time we miss the chance to close a sale. Rejection is a part of life so how can you change the way you look and feel about it?


In today’s episode, I walkint you three ways you can reframe rejection. Rejection is all about mindset. Once you reframe it, the more success you will actually have. Don’t be afraid to close the sale or follow up wit prospect. Rejection will ultimately lead you to success.


“Accept that rejection is a stepping stone to ultimate success”

(2:00) “If you have a dream of one day having someone successfully sell you products, services and programs for you, overcoming these mindset myths is critical”


(3:00) “It is always us that is creating the bottleneck in our business. We are the people that are ultimately standing in the way of ultimate success”


(7:13) “If you aren’t getting rejected every single day then you aren’t even trying”


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