USR 422: 5 Million Dollar Habits To Live By

As entrepreneurs the mindset is always I want to have it all but I can’t actually take it all one. We think that in order to have a business and feel financially secure, we need to sacrifice our life and way of living. WRONG!


There is no reason you can’t have a multi-million dollar business, financial freedom and still have an amazing life at home. In this episode I am sharing 5 million dollar habits you can implement today to live a better life. These are things I LIVE by while running my business, and if you can start doing even just one of them today….it will be worth it!


(1:23) “If you take action every single day, and bring those two things together. You can in fact have it all.”


(7:29) “If you are looking to build a seven-figure or at least a multi six-figure business and beyond, you have to have time built into your schedule every single day on coaching, teaching, training, or giving feedback to your staff.”


(9:06) “You can’t have freedom if you are a slave to your debt”

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