USR 424: How To Overcome Procrastination So You Can Accomplish Your Goals

Procrastination affects EVERYONE! It doesn’t matter if you are a millionaire with four businesses or a new business owner starting out. When we are unmotivated to do a task or create a piece of content, it seems like it would take a miracle to get it checked off your to-do list.


In this week’s episode, I am walking you through a life-changing exercise to get you doing those unwanted tasks. It’s not about changing things up or giving up what you are doing but about reframing how you do it! If writing a blog doesn’t sound like fun, create that content another way! Video, live streaming, podcasting, and the list goes on and on.


Listen to the full episode and implement this training in your business TODAY!


(2:40) “What are those things that you spend far too much time and energy planning and preparing to do, instead of just doing it”


(12:45) “You have to actually take steps to understand why you don’t enjoy that thing and why you are avoiding it.  You really have to figure out how you can reframe it.”


(16:40) “Go through your top 5 things that you typically procrastinate on and now write the POSITIVE outcome that you are going to get by doing it”


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