USR 443: Identifying Agendas And Influences That Conflict With You Elevating

I want to tell you story. In today’s episode, I wanted to talk about a conversation I had with a client just last week. We were going over his plan for 2019, and while this plan was going to be challenging and a lot of hard work. It was going to grow his company and hit is goal.


When he presented this plan to his team, they were so upset! Saying it was going to be too much work and the goal isn't achievable. Just like that they backed their CEO into a corner and he threw his hands up. So before I yelled or screamed I asked him these simple questions.


“Will this make your business more money?”




“Will this make your team less stressed?”


“Oh way less stressed!”


So here you have a BRILLIANT minded CEO. About to hit the 10 million dollar mark and is at the top of his field and he is still letting small minded, team members influence his mindset on how to grow HIS business.


As you listen to this episode, I want you to keep this in mind. Outside forces and influences stumble at our doors and continue to make us think the easy, short way is the only way to do business. Nothing happens overnight. We have to make sure we are identifying these alternate agendas and influences that truly cause conflict when with scaling.


Remember, you should never stop working on your mindset. Mindset training doesn’t just end with the first six figures.


(1:45) “We all think that as we elevate we need less and less outside support….we think mindset is an elementary  thing that you grow out of”


(6:45) “Small minds fixate on quick wins and painless results. BIG thinker play the long game for massive wins and sustainable success”


(10:26) “Many times the people that care about you the most, are the people that give you the worst advice”


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