USR 499: Debriefing Your Launches As A Springboard For Success

Do you go through a launch debrief? 


As most of you know, we just wrapped up our Live Launch Workshop. This last launch was one of the most successful launches our team has done. We onboarded almost a hundred new clients, and it was extremely profitable for us. However, one of the things we make sure we do every time, good or bad, we bring together everyone involved and debrief. 


In this week’s episode, I’m breaking down WHY it’s so important to debrief after a launch. It doesn’t matter if you had a successful launch or one that completely flopped. You need to take some time, get together with your team, and go through some critical things in order to make your next launch successful. 


We talk so much about the launching process, and I realized we don’t talk about the debrief enough! It’s even something we are adding to the Unstoppable Entrepreneur Program in 2020. To scale up your launch to the level you want to be at, befriending is a critical step of the process. 


If you want to check out the next Live Launch, make sure you head over to the Tribe of Unstoppables to get registered! 


For more business tips and strategies, follow along with Kelly:

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