USR 518: Collaborative Vs Directive Leadership Why You Must Master Both To Scale

Are you ready to build your dream team?


Over the last few weeks, I’ve gotten so many questions about building a winning team and the key strategies around leadership. Going into 2020, I know that not a single one of you wants to be more busy or stressed. I think we all to be able to reduce our working hours, slow down, and enjoy the ride just a little bit more.


In this episode, I’m talking about specifically the difference between collaborative and directive leadership. There are different stages and phases of leadership, and you need to know the difference, or it could cost you. 


Leadership and team go hand in hand. Mastering leadership skills is critical for you to be an amazing manager but also to become an exceptional leader. You will be able to have the freedom and flexibility because your team will run like a well-oiled machine. 

If it’s just you, you own a job. 


If it’s you and duct tape team then you have stress, strain and clean up. 


If it’s you and the wrong team, then you are more stressed than anyone. 

If you are serious about starting a team and scaling your business through your team, then you need to get my newest book, Biggest Than You, where it breaks down how to build a team from the ground up and have them run like a well-oiled machine. 


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