USR 524: Standing For Something Is Everything

Imagine this…


You’re scrolling Facebook when you see an ad for the course of all courses. 


It’s from a competitor promising that in just 30 days your ideal client will have the most massive life transformation that will make them rich, happy, and in the best shape of their life...all for the low cost of $997. 


This “proven” 3-step strategy is going to be “the trick” to getting everything they’ve ever wanted out of life. It’s a slick offer that seems so perfectly worded, with a high energy video of someone bouncing around as they just KNOW your people are going to buy. 


But YOU know better! 


You know that what they’re selling won’t work. 


In fact, you’ve had clients go through it, get zero results, feel awful, then come to you. 


You can’t roll your eyes hard enough, while at the same time wondering if you should be doing something similar. 


You know that if you just sold the way this person was selling, you could make a ton of money!


I mean, if you can’t beat em’ join em’, right?




And today on the podcast, I’m going to tell you why, and what to do instead. 


This episode embodies what so many of us feel in the online world, but struggle to know how to navigate. 


So, if the above has happened to you…

If you’re worried about standing out….

If you’re tired of the noise….Listen to this episode


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