Video: Casting Heavy Flies into the Wind

Welcome to our first installment of "Ask a Fly-Fishing Instructor," starring our own Peter Kutzer. A couple weeks ago, we asked you to post some questions about your biggest casting problems. Reader "Phil" wrote, "Any tips you can give on casting heavily weighted flies would be appreciated," and "Dave R." asked a much more specific version of the same question:

When practicing with my 9wt with a piece of yarn tied to my leader (9' tied with 54" 40#, 18" 30# and 18" 15# tippet. All Maxima Ultra Green) I can cast consistently to 50' and beyond. But when I tie on a weighted fly ( clouser size 1 hook with small eyes) my line and leader seem to pile up and I have problems getting past 40'.

So, cameraman Eric Weisledder and I met Peter at the casting ponds beside the Orvis Retail Store in Manchester, Vermont, so he could offer some tips on casting a heavy fly in the wind. Aside from being an excellent caster and teacher, Peter turns out to be a natural in front of the camera. And check out the way he nonchalantly switches hands to demonstrate the oval cast.

If you've got more questions for Peter, post them on our Facebook page, and we'll address each casting problem in a new video.

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