What Are You Gonna Say Yes To? (with Joel Beukelman)

Joel Beukelman is a Senior Interaction Designer at Google where he works on Chrome. He's also a prolific content creator with a popular YouTube channel and vlog. In this episode, Anthony and Joel cover everything from family life and time prioritization, to health, jacuzzis and — of course – design.

On this episode we discuss:

  • Juggling family, travel, a high-level design job at Google and content creation
  • Prioritizing for life satisfaction
  • The importance of health for designers
  • Joel's experience transitioning from startup life back to Google
  • The need for support in your career and personal life
  • The challenges of investing in personal time as a creative
  • The consequences of too much hustling
  • Chasing titles vs. doing work you love
  • What it’s like to work on a product used by 1 billion people.
  • Finding what’s next after you’ve reached your career goals

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